QVC Sprouts Inventors and Entrepreneurs Forum at the PA Conference for Women – Exhibitors
Thanks for your interest in our new-for-2015 QVC Sprouts Inventors and Entrepreneurs Forum at the PA Conference for Women. Presenters will receive instant feedback from a panel of QVC buyers and hosts, plus the chance to get their products noticed by the world’s leading video and e-commerce retailer.
This event will take place in the Small Business Marketplace inside the Exhibit Hall, and audience seating will be available. Attendees will be presenting throughout the day, but we’ve reserved the hour of 8:30-9:30am just for exhibitors.
Sign up for your 10-minute appointment below — space is extremely limited!
More About the Program
- Only registered exhibitors are eligible to participate
- Presentations will take place between 8:30 and 9:30am
- This event will take place in the Small Business Marketplace inside the Exhibit Hall
- Pitches can be for ideas at any stage of development from idea on a cocktail napkin to ‘retail ready’
- While there are no presentation requirements, participants are encouraged to describe key elements of their idea including:
- Personal story behind the idea/ product
- Research that indicates a market need
- Target market
- Key benefits
- Competitive products and how this idea is different or better
- Suggested price point
Questions & Answers
Do I need to have a sample of my product on stage?
No, you do not need a final product to pitch your idea.
Is there a standby list for people who couldn’t get an appointment?
Yes – a small number of appointments will be available after 4pm to accommodate standbys. Please sign up for this list in the morning at the QVC Sprouts stage in the Small Business Marketplace.
How long should my presentation be?
Your appointment is 10 minutes total, including the time it takes the panel to give you feedback. With that in mind, please keep your presentation to approximately five minutes, and no longer than eight minutes, to allow adequate time for a response.
What is QVC looking for in new products?
Please visit the QVC Vendor Portal to learn more about the products QVC sells and for resources for entrepreneurs.
About QVC Sprouts
In addition to the one-day QVC Sprouts forum at PA Conference for Women, QVC Sprouts is an ongoing crowd-sourced competition to search for the best up-and-coming products from inventors and entrepreneurs, giving those with a retail-ready product the opportunity to be sold on QVC and the chance to grow their businesses through a scalable and nurturing process. Every two weeks, QVC asks fans to review competing products that have been submitted by inventors/ entrepreneurs and selected by QVC, then vote for the ones they would most like to see sold on QVC. Those receiving the most votes are offered the opportunity to be sold on and the potential to sell on air during a live QVC broadcast. Since the program’s inception in March 2012, more than 100,000 customer votes were generated and more than 100 new products have been selected to be featured online at or on air. To experience QVC Sprouts and vote for the next great products, visit
*Please note, there are various product categories that are generally ineligible for sale at QVC. QVC does not sell tobacco-related products, firearms, fuel additives, gambling-related products, genuine furs, sexual aids, or feminine/personal hygiene products. As such, these types of products will be outside the panel’s area of expertise for providing feedback. We encourage you to visit the QVC website to become familiar with the types of product categories offered by QVC.
By registering to share your invention with QVC at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, you hereby acknowledge and agree that:
- You are the owner of all invention information and authorized to share that information with QVC.
- All disclosure is being made on a NON CONFIDENTIAL basis and no confidentiality obligations or legal relationships whatsoever are created by sharing your invention.
- Your invention will be visible to other conference attendees and you are solely responsible for protecting any intellectual property and other rights in your invention.
- You are free to share your invention and, by doing so, you are not violating any prior obligation of confidentiality.
- QVC may already be independently working on a similar technology as covered by your invention and you will not therefore assert any intellectual property rights against QVC in this respect.
- In no event shall QVC have any obligation to promote, market, sell or distribute your invention.