Kathy Kinney
2013 Speaker
Kathy Kinney is best known for her iconic role as “Mimi” on the ABC hit TV series “The Drew Carey Show.” She has appeared in many movies and dozen’s of TV shows including “Seinfeld,” “Who’s Line Is It Anyway,” “My Name Is Earl” and “The Secret Life Of The American Teenager.” Along with her friend Cindy Ratzlaff, she is the co-author of two books, “Queen Of Your Own Life: The Grown-up Woman’s Guide to Claiming Happiness and Getting the Life You Deserve,” and “Queenisms: 101 Jolts of Inspiration.” Kinney is also the star and co-producer of the multi-award winning website Mrs.P.com which promotes literacy and the joy of reading for children. @QueenofownLife @MrsPStorytime