Karla Trotman
Karla Trotman is a wife, mother and entrepreneur. In 2006, while working full-time in corporate America, Trotman was pregnant and seriously uncomfortable. Unable to identify products that aid women during this time, she turned to her supply chain logistics background to identify and source products for herself. The process uncovered a secret that women have been hiding for years: pregnancy is in fact uncomfortable! This caused Trotman to develop BellyButtonBoutique.com, an online boutique that specializes in products of comfort, support and healing for pre- and postnatal women. While working full-time, she harnessed the power of social media to promote and reach women across the globe. BellyButtonBoutique.com now boasts an international and celebrity client list. Trotman consults small businesses on successful implementation of social media into their current marketing strategy. Trotman and her business have been featured on: “NBC 10,” People Magazine’s “Celebrity Baby Blog,” CBSNews.com, several books and countless blogs. www.BellyButtonBoutique.com