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Dr. Reetika Kumar

2020 Speaker
Dr. Reetika Kumar

Panelist | How to Advocate for Yourself and Others…Without Risking your Career

REETIKA KUMA, M.D., F.A.C.P., is the medical director and vice president of clinical services at IBX. She has been in health care for fifteen years, holding a variety of roles including the delivery of direct patient care, medical education, and care management Services. In her current role, Dr. Kumar is accountable for the administration and oversight of care management and utilization management programs at a subsidiary of Independence Blue Cross. She creates strategic partnerships with clients and vendors to help provide innovative solutions for their populations. Dr. Kumar facilitates engagement and collaborative interaction with physician peers and hospital management to improve patient access and the management of complex care delivery. Dr. Kumar received her MD in internal medicine from the prestigious Maulana Azad Medical College in India and completed her residency in internal medicine at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. @IBX