Celebrate International Women’s Day with a CARE Package
Today we celebrate the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day!
There are events taking place in cities around the world, but there’s one easy thing you can do to help women around the world.
Our supporting organization CARE lets you build your own CAREpackage, and through a quick online donation you can choose to equip a birthing center, protect mothers and babies, provide transportation to the hospital, train a health worker and other actions that we take for granted here in the United States.
CARE introduced the CARE Package in 1946 to deliver lifesaving food and much-needed supplies to Europeans after World War II. The original CARE Package was so widely embraced by the public, the name CARE Package quickly became a synonym for gifts of comfort sent to far-away family and friends.
In the 65 years since the first CARE Package was delivered, CARE’s anti-poverty mission has changed. Instead of delivering items in a box, CARE now delivers tools and resources that help empower poor girls and women around the world to create positive change in their lives and their communities.
So grab your colleagues, friends, or family to mark this important day and
recognize and support the strength of women everywhere.