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Boot Camp Session Descriptions

Boot Camp Session Descriptions


From Bland to Bam: Maximize the Power of Your Personal Brand to Build Your Business

Samantha Ettus, personal branding expert, bestselling author and TV personality

Ready to go from bland to bam? Branding expert Samantha Ettus teaches you how to develop an irresistible brand to stand out from the competition and create customer loyalty.


Muscle Marketing: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Marketing and Media on a Shoestring Budget

Lena West shows you how to market your business with muscle, not money, to build a following and generate sales. No big budget or high-priced agency needed.


Money Matters: Get the Cash You Need and Get Your Numbers Right

Erica Labovitz, co-founder of IndieGoGo which uses crowdfunding to level the playing field

Amanda Steinberg, founder of, a community of women who talk money

Danae Ringelmann, co-founder of IndieGoGo and Amanda Steinberg, founder of give you the scoop on how to raise money—from crowdfunding to venture capital—and tackle money matters to make your business soar.


Sales for Small Business Success: So You’ve Got Them in the Door, Now What?

Melinda Emerson, “SmallBizLady,” one of America’s leading small business experts

Leading small business expert Melinda Emerson tells you exactly how to manage your sales strategy—from hooking prospects to closing the deals.


Social Media: The No-Cost Equalizer for Small Businesses

Nicole Williams, connection director at LinkedIn

Nicole Williams, connection director at LinkedIn, helps you leverage social media to turn fans and followers into champions and clients for your small business.

Cindy Ratzlaff, named by Forbes as one of the “20 Best Branded Women on Twitter,”

Jen Cohen is a dynamic speaker, presenter, teacher and blogger who focuses on marketing, social media and relationship building through meaningful engagements.


Mistakes Worth Making: A Mistake is Never Bad Unless You Make It Twice

Michael Alter, president of SurePayroll

As president of SurePayroll, Michael Alter gives an annual award to an employee for the “best mistake” and he shares the power of mistakes every small business owner should know.


Mind for Business Success: She’s Done It and You Can Too!

Liz Lange, retail and fashion pioneer, created Liz Lange Maternity

Maternity maven Liz Lange has worked hard and smart to turn her passion to profit, and she’s here to share her personal lessons to motivate your success.


Targeting Exactly What You Want to Achieve with Your Small Business
Adelaide Lancaster & Amy Abrams, entrepreneurs, speakers and authors of “The Big Enough Company”

As your business grows, it’s important to keep your eye on the prize. Adelaide Lancaster and Amy Abrams will teach you to define what you want from your business and where you want your business to go in the future.